29 March, 2008

Main site in quiet mode for the weekend

Jon, my virtual landlord, is doing another maintenance run on the main blog, involving moving the existing posts from MovableType 2.6 to the most recent version (by way of at least one intermediate version). This is necessary because the database schema changed substantially in the 3.x releases, so we can't just export directly from 2.6 and import into 4.x. According to Six Apart's tech support pages, we need to export from 2.6, import that file into 3.x, then re-export from 3.x and import again into 4.2.

As you can probably imagine, it'll be easier on Jon if I don't mess around with the existing files while he's doing this. Hopefully, if all goes smoothly, I'll be working on new posts early next week in MT 4.2.

22 March, 2008

Move to new site still pending

Jon, my virtual landlord, has the new site set up, but there are issues with importing the existing blog posts to the new version of MovableType. The entries import, very slowly, but when they're compiled, the resulting site is empty. This isn't a super-high priority for him, as the existing site will remain online until sometime in April.

If worst comes to worst, I'll just start creating new blog entries at the new site and keep a static representation of the old site somewhere (it will mean that the older posts will be much less accessible, but they'll still be there).

13 March, 2008

Just checking

The main blog may be unstable for a bit, as Jon (my virtual landlord) is upgrading the blogging software and there may be some issues with porting the archives over to the new blog. If so, I'll post here until the issues at the main blog are sorted out.